Education quality assurance

An effective and functional quality assurance (QA) system is essential for the provision of inclusive quality education provision for all. It ensures that schools attain and sustain set standards in management, infrastructure, facilities, teaching and pupils’ learning outcomes. It provides regular systemic assessment of standards, feedback and support to schools to enable inclusive access, active participation and quality teaching and learning outcomes. ESSPIN worked to bring about reforms in education quality assurance anchored on the Whole School Evaluation (WSE) model. The programme engaged at the federal level to facilitate the establishment of a functional national QA system. To this end, the programme supported the development and implementation of a National Education Quality Assurance Policy (NEQAP) and a revised National Education Quality Assurance Handbook for Basic and Secondary Education in Nigeria. It built capacity of the Federal Education Quality Assurance Service (FEQAS) and the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) to pool resources and work in coordination to lead policy development and implementation for the institutionalisation of effective QA practices across the nation. ESSPIN also built capacity of MoEs, SUBEBs and LGEAs of the six programme states for effective QA.

Related Materials

  1. National Education Quality Assurance Policy (NEQAP)
  2. National Education Quality Assurance Handbook for Basic and Secondary Education in Nigeria.
  3. State of Education Reports (SoERs) of programme states.