Girls education

ESSPIN developed strategies in response to specific contexts for enrolling and retaining girls in school and ensuring they received a quality, inclusive education when they are there. Within SBMCs extra training was provided to women through Women's Committees and Gender Champions. These women are volunteers who have good standing in the community and are volunteers who have good standing in the community and can advocate for children's rights to education, particularly girls and mediate on any related issues. In Kano, in partnership with SUBEB, ESSPIN introduced a Summer Camp Academy for girls in P5 and P6 based on evidence that this group are at highest risk of dropping out. Over 10,000 girls participated in accelerated numeracy and literacy lessons alongside girl child welfare topics such as health and hygiene. In Jigawa, ESSPIN’s Girls Education Initiative targeted 3,000 girls at upper primary level and Junior Secondary Schools with teaching and learning materials and school uniforms to encourage attendance, especially for girls from poor families. Girls’ sporting activities were organised at school and LGA levels in order to provide a friendly learning environment for girls. The intervention incorporates community advocacy and capacity building of stakeholders on girls’ education and inclusive education.

Read more:

  1. Briefing note: Gender champions in Kaduna
  2. Briefing note: Girls education in Jigawa
  3. Playing to Stay in School: Girls’ Sports Initiative in Jigawa State Brief Report on Progress for Sustainability